XIS recognizes that high quality after school programs generate positive outcomes for students including improved academic performance, motivation, and health and nutrition. The XIS Activities Program (AP) serves students in grades 1-12 and encompass a broad range of focus areas including academic support and enrichment, service, arts, sports and recreation. Students participate in activities on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30.
Previous Elementary Activities
Music Fun, Musical Motion, Choir, Ukulele, ABRSM Music Lessons, Storybook Art, Miracle Heart Art Therapy, Mindful Coloring, Sketching Club, Recorder, Author’s Club, Musical Theatre, Chinese Traditional Dance, Tennis, Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Dodgeball, Yoga, Jump Ropes, Lego, Premier League Club, Spanish, Healthy Club, Charades, Student Council, Beauty Shop, Schoolwide Musical/Drama, and Pen Pal Club.
Previous Secondary Activities
Environmental Action Club, Elementary School Service, Fitness, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball and Softball, Choir, Jazz Band, SAT Prep, Knitting, Sketching, Art Studio, Chinese Reading, Mandarin Acquistion Support, Math & English Support, Model United Nations (MUN), University Application Essay Assistance, Board Games, Leisure Sports, Community Action Service (CAS), Math Club, Rock/Pop Band, Tutoring Assistance, Personal Project Support, Chess Club, Drawing Club, Table Tennis, Japanese Language/Culture and Appreciation, Yearbook, Newspaper, Journaling, Film Appreciation, Reading Club, Drama, Dance Club, Stage Craft and Set Design, National Honor Society, Kiva, and Student Council.

The XIS Activity Program (AP) serves students in grades 1-12 and encompass a broad range of focus areas including academic support and enrichment, service, arts, sports and recreation.
The XIS Difference
Why is XIS the international school of choice in Xiamen?
Over 80% of our faculty hold advanced degrees, and the average number of years of teaching experience is 11.
We are a diverse community with over 40 nationalities represented.
XIS develops independent, confident, and open-minded thinkers.
Our students attend reputable, well-known universities around the world. XIS University Acceptances 2016-2021
XIS is accredited by WASC (for 20 years) and authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (15 years).
We are an IB World School, the only school in Xiamen offering all three of the prestigious and internationally recognized IB programs.
An average of 74% of XIS seniors earn a bilingual IB Diploma—the world average is 25%.
We have a warm community, family environment where every child is valued.
XIS students participate in international school regional athletics, arts, and cultural leagues and conferences: ACAMIS, SCISAC, & ISCMS.
We are the longest established international school in Xiamen, delivering a world-class education for 25 years.